the cautionary label on this volume reads: M/f, bdsm, anal, semi-consensual
you open the book, find a comfortable chair, and begin to read ... 
Claudia's Dark Education by melicia saphyne -=Part One=- Claudia spotted the "new guy" right away. He was all her friends could talk about since she had entered the dark caverns of her favorite goth club, Velvet. "Did you see how long his hair is?!" ... "He kind of looks like Armand, from the side" ... "Oh god I loooooove his coat" ... they all whispered excitedly, blushingly looking at him without trying to be obvious. Claudia was beyond such childishness. She took a long drink of a look at him ... well, he certainly was "dark" enough for this place. His long raven-black hair hung well down his back, his long black coat flowed like a cape, he stood very tall, slim and ethereal in the nether world lighting of the place. She couldn't get a look at his eyes, damn those trendy round purple shades. She gave him one of her practiced "come fuck me" looks ... she looked directly at him, dropped her gaze for two seconds, then glanced back up at him from beneath her dark lashes, with a slow, curving smile. Then she turned away as if she hadn't even seen him. Claudia caught a glance of herself in one of the mirrors. "Not bad, not bad," she thought, pursing her blood-red glossy lips. She smoothed her black velvet skirt, lifted and wiggled her black leather corset a bit, pushing her breasts out a bit more in the tight black lace top. She tossed her long, curly magenta tresses over her shoulder in what she thought was a very theatrical move. Claudia turned around to check her rear view, her perky ass and narrow hips looked great as usual, and she smiled. She bent to preen some more, adjusting the fold over tops of her thigh-high leather boots, her ass sticking out at a great angle (she knew from practicing in front of the mirror at home) because of her 4" heels. The lace tops of her black thigh high stockings showed at the hem of her skirt. Claudia was pale, but not sickly pale, she was pale as moonlight and slightly pink. Overall, a pretty hot young woman. And unfortunately for her, she knew it. Claudia first felt, then saw, the "new guy" approach her. She saw his worn black leather boots in front of her, the bottom of his long duster coat. She looked up, and a tingle ran down her spine. She barely heard her friends whispering even more excitedly as he walked right up to her. He reached a hand out, and Claudia was momentarily confused, she stepped back, bumping awkwardly into the wall. His hand landed on the wall just above her right shoulder, and he leaned against it, his other hand casually in his coat pocket. "Well?" he said. Claudia froze. This was not the usual "whambam" college guy she was used to having as putty in her hands. He was a little older, a little rougher. His lips were sensual yet masculine, his skin as pale as her own, his jaw lean and determined. He was practically grinning, almost maliciously enjoying having thrown her off balance. Claudia shrugged and stood up straighter, proudly jutting out her breasts, and folded her arms in front of her. "Well, what?" she said haughtily. Breathless and trembling inside, she forced herself to remain cold and aloof on the outside. "I caught your little smoldering gaze thing, don't tell me you haven't practiced that one for hours, eh?" he grinned, throwing her off balance again, with the force of his perception. He leaned into her, almost touching his cheek to hers, and whispered in her ear, "Games are for children, don't you think?" Okay, Claudia was pretty much out of her league here, she knew right away. But damn, he was fine. His voice was like rough silk. He smelled of incense. And, she was horny as hell. "What the hell," she thought, "this might be fun." Claudia leaned forward until her breasts were grazing his skin through his black silk t-shirt, her hard nipples meeting his firm chest. She softly parted her glossy lips, closed her dark-shaded eyes, and leaned slowly forward to kiss ... air! The guy had backed up, crossed his arms, and was ... laughing! Okay, now she was pissed. Hottie or no hottie, she didn't have to put up with this guy! Who did he think he was?! Claudia started to turn and walk away. He caught her arm, roughly turning her back to him, and leaned once again until his cheek touched hers. "My name is Edan. There are some ... games ... we could play, if you dare, little one." Little one?! If she DARE?! Claudia laughed and mock-pouted, tossing her hair haughtily in a well-practiced move. She knew how to handle a guy like this, even if he was a little unusual, a guy is a guy, a cock is a cock, she knew what all men wanted. Her friends were anxiously peeking at this little play unfold from behind the tall booth where they sat. Claudia walked over and grabbed her black velvet coat. "'Edan' here wants to play some games, I'm outta here, Ciao!" She turned and walked away before her friends could object ... "Are you going to be okay?" they worriedly called after her. She didn't answer. Edan led Claudia out of the club, his hand pressed gently and chivalrously to her back, and Claudia found herself more excited than she had ever been in her entire young life. She grinned like a cat. -=Part Two=- "Oh shit, how did I ever get myself into this?!" thought Claudia, wincing as he pulled her ankle tethers even farther apart ... Edan had started his "games" in his car as he drove her to his place ... she had done her usual "oops I have to adjust my stockings" routine, and he had obligingly fallen for it (so she thought), running his hand over the soft lace, her softer thigh, up under her velvet skirt. She had sighed and leaned back in the seat, parting her thighs slightly. Edan had teased her slit all during the drive, she kept arching her hips to get him to touch her clit and he kept avoiding it, it was a maddening game that she found fascinating. Claudia was a thoroughly modern girl ... she had gone out that evening wanting to fuck somebody interesting, and here she was with good ol' interesting Edan, and she had condoms in her purse. So the rest of the evening had already unfolded in her mind's eye ... she'd seduce him with a little strip tease, give him one of her trademark fanfuckingtastic blow jobs, and then he'd be pure putty in her hands. She felt pretty powerful with her "weapon" of sex, and as thrilling as some of her encounters had been, she still felt contempt for the guys who fell for all her tricks. One thing she had never considered ... that she would one day meet a guy who had a few tricks of his own. Edan led her upstairs to his loft. "Wow," Claudia gasped, taking it all in. Black cloth draped all of the walls, and black paper shades covered the windows. A few interesting sculptures stood on marble pedestals, skeletal-looking metallic things, mostly. A paper lantern was the only light, until Edan walked around and began lighting candles. Claudia laid her coat and purse on the only chair, and walked around checking out the place, her heels clicking loudly on the concrete floor. There was a king-size mattress on the floor, and tons of pillows, and black satin and red and purple velvet bedclothes. Tons of tall iron candle holders and tons of candles. But other than that, no other furniture or even a kitchen she could see. She grinned, and thought "Well, this is familiar territory, the usual goth hovel, I feel right at home." She flopped down on the bed, leaned back on her elbows, and crossed her ankles. Of course, her skirt rose to show of those gorgeous lace stocking tops, and her breasts were pushed very much upward in the process. Claudia knew how to make a good presentation. Edan finished lighting all the candles, and also produced a bottle of champagne and a glass from somewhere (the kitchen must be behind one of the cloths, she thought). He strode over to her and placed the bottle and the glass on the floor next to the bed. Then he knelt at her feet ... she moved her thighs apart, and he knelt between them. He poured a glass of champagne and handed it to her. "Where's your glass?" asked Claudia. Edan said nothing, but slid his hands up her thighs, lifting her skirt up past her hips. Claudia sipped the icy cold champagne, leaning on one elbow, and wiggled her hips to oblige him. Edan pulled off her boots tenderly and slowly, then he pulled off her stockings, trailing kisses down her legs. He placed his hands on her thighs and spread them wide and upward. Her slit was hairless, a small dark triangle of hair at the top, her skin pale and creamy and her pussy lips tender and pink. She did all of her waxing herself, with cold wax strips, in front of the mirror at the end of her bed, so she knew her pussy looked fantastic. Claudia leaned all the way back and confidently abandoned herself to his ministrations, and Edan took her glass and set it on the floor. "Cold!" Claudia gasped and shot up. Edan pushed her back down, and she laughed, realizing that he had just poured champagne from the bottle onto her pussy. She purred and stretched as he began lapping up the champagne with his tongue. This was better than any game she had hoped for, she was usually the one doing all the work, and here was a guy who seemed to just want to please her. Even if he was a little weird, so quiet, and he still hadn't taken off his shades. "Well all right," she thought, "it's about time I came before the guy does." Claudia relaxed back onto the bed and stretched her arms over her head, sighing happily. Edan's tongue worked maddeningly slowly up and down her slit, slowly warming the cold shock of the champagne, barely brushing her clit with each upstroke. Claudia's hips rose to meet his tongue, wiggling in anticipation. He began to lift her shirt out of her leather corset ... Claudia started to unlace it, but Edan said "No! Leave that on. Take your shirt off." Claudia smiled and slid her shirt up out of the corset, tugging at it, and finally off, revealing her pale and firm young breasts. Her nipples were a medium shade of rose, not too big, not too small. Her breasts were about a B-cup, if she ever wore a bra. Her nipples stiffened quickly in the cold drafts of the loft. Edan lifted her hips and pulled her velvet skirt down, out from under the corset, and off. It felt really strange to have her own corset against her bare skin, something she'd never thought of doing before ... the hard leather cut into the bottom of her breasts, it didn't hurt though. She could picture how great she looked, how high the corset pushed up her breasts. She smiled and purred some more, blinking at Edan coquettishly. Edan stood up and walked away. "Hey!" Claudia exclaimed. She sat up self-consciously on the edge of the bed, her pussy dripping wet with champagne and her own juices, leather against soft, silken skin in a strange (but not unpleasant) new sensation. Claudia waited, a bit impatiently, for him to get back to licking her pussy. Edan returned from behind one of the cloths, now wearing a black silk robe with red and gold dragons embroidered on it. "Wow, nice," Claudia smiled. He carried what looked like the robe's sash in his hands. Edan said "I want to blindfold you. You will feel more, it will heighten every sensation." Claudia pondered this ... shed read about bondage on the net, shed looked at the pictures ... it looked like just a bunch of spiky-leather weirdoes to her, but what Edan was holding was just a silk sash, so there couldnt possibly be any harm in it, could there? She nodded her assent. Edan tied the sash around her head, blindfolding her well, but not uncomfortably tight. There was a lot of sash left over, but Claudia didn't see that. Edan pushed her back down on the bed again. Claudia purred and stretched, arching her hips, stretching her arms out above her like a cat. She did notice the increased sensation that not being able to see was giving her ... she hadnt noticed the slightly cool draft before, or the rough fringe of one of the velvet blankets under her thighs. She relaxed into the sensations, savoring them, and purred and stretched some more. Edan took this opportunity to grab her wrists. "Hey!" Claudia yelped. He used the remaining sash to tie her wrists together, pulling them down, crossing them behind her neck. He lay her back down gently, soothing her with kisses all over her breasts, whispering for her to trust him, it will increase the sensation, little one. He flicked his tongue across her hard nipples ... lightly grabbing one nipple between his teeth, causing her to gasp. One of his hands trailed down to her pussy, grazing her clit, causing her to arch her hips almost completely off of the bed. Claudia moaned. He was right, it was more intense, she could really get into this. She relaxed back again, arms comfortably crossed behind her neck. Edan gently lifted her and raised her up higher on the bed, until her feet were at the bottom edge. She opened her thighs and awaited his warm tongue, with her lips curled into a smile. "Wait! What?! ..." Claudia squealed. Okay, the blindfold, no problem. The wrists, she could take. But her ankles?! Where was he getting the stuff to tie her ankles with? She didn't remember seeing anything, and there weren't even bedposts. She felt a band around each ankle, it kind of felt like her leather corset, hard but yielding, pulling each ankle towards the side of the bed. Her legs were bent at the knee, her ankles drawn in towards her bottom a bit. She tensed while Edan positioned her body as if he were impersonally molding a doll from clay, and was getting ready to protest again, but soon relaxed as he eased his tongue back down into her waiting pussy. She realized she was still able to buck her hips as she liked. Ahhh, that was better. Edan lapped and lapped at her clit, reaching his hands up to knead her nipples until they were swollen, Claudia rode Edan's tongue into ecstasy. When she came, it rippled through her like never before, this time it felt like her whole body was coming. She slumped her hips to the bed as the throbbing subsided, and sighed with pure contentment. Tears formed in her eyes. Claudia started talking, "Wow, Edan, oh wow, thank you sooooo much. I mean, I really loved that, I loved coming first. Your turn now, right? I want to suck your cock. C'mon, undo all this stuff, it's your tur ... mmpfffff!" Her voice suddenly muffled as Edan stuffed one of her stockings, all rolled up, into her mouth. Claudia writhed and pulled on her bonds ... damn, they had felt so loose, but now her tears really fell as she realized how well he had tied her. For the first time she felt fear, and the loss of her usual control of a situation. Edan lay down next to her and stroked her pale body. "You have a lot of learning to do, little one. Hush, hush, why object? There's nothing wrong with a good education. Think of me as your teacher." He rose from the bed. Claudia heard Edan walking around the room, doing what, she had no idea. She shivered, trying not to cry, afraid she would choke on the gag. She wondered what her "teacher" had in mind for her. She heard Edan return. Suddenly she felt her corset being unlaced ... but then re-laced, much tighter than before. Her breasts were now pushed all the way up over the top of the leather, and she gasped for breath. Edan checked her blindfold and wrists, tightening them a bit more. "Oh shit, how did I ever get myself into this?!" thought Claudia, wincing as he pushed her ankles even tighter up to her bottom and somehow fixed them that way from the sides, but at the same time he was licking her clit so sweetly, so gently, caressing her ankles and calves with his slightly rough hands ... she felt every sensation as keenly as the edge of a razor blade. Fear and lust mixed freely within her, and her mind reeled as her body instinctively gave in to the gentle bondage. -=Part Three=- Edan had been kneeling at the end of the bed for some time, between her bound ankles, doing who knows what. She tried to guess from his movements or the sounds she heard, but gave up. Claudia wriggled as much as she could, trying to regain her previous comfort as best she could. Then she felt Edan stroke her thighs, softly, and trail his sensual warm lips up and down her legs. She relaxed again, not daring to smile, hoping he would move those lips upward and give her another shuddering orgasm. "Owwwffff!!" Claudia screamed, the syllable barely making its way past the stocking gag. Something had burned her thigh. Ow! another burn, and another. She felt something splatter, and realized it had to be candle wax, she'd dripped it on her fingers and hand a few times, out of curiosity, and it felt like that. It only burned for a second, then relaxed into a glow of warmth, as Edan's hands massaged the cooling wax and soothed her hot skin. Claudia relaxed a bit ... "This guy is into some kinky shit, but god he made me come so hard, I suppose I can put up with his freaky fetishes." Then she realized the hot wax was was being dripped closer and closer to her pussy. She thrashed and writhed, only able to raise herself from the waist a little bit because of the tight corset, and not able to close her legs. She screamed beneath the gag. Then Claudia felt his lips close upon her clit once more, as Edan gently took it between his lips and suckled it. He blew on her clit, and the cooling air felt fantastic. Another drip of wax, another, another. Between pain and pleasure, Claudia was lost. As Edan dropped wax onto her pussy lips, he then swooped down to blow cool air on it, and then give her clit a quick suck, taking her breath away. She feared he would drip the burning wax right into her pussy, and was torn between raising her hips to meet his tongue, and shrinking away in anticipation of the worst burn. Claudia heard Edan blow a puff of air, then smelled that familiar scent of a candle just gone out, and felt something thump down beside her onto the bed. She sighed as much as her newly-restrictive corset allowed, in relief. Her body slumped to the mattress, she had been so tense and not realized it, her body had been arched up like a bow. She felt Edan kneel between her legs, and instinctively spread her thighs wide, she was so horny at this point she really just wanted to get fucked. He removed the stocking gag and she breathed a huge sigh of relief ... he laid a finger across her lips and said "Shhh, little one, if you speak, I shall replace it," and Claudia just nodded meekly. She felt the silken folds of his robe against her thighs, and she raised her hips in anticipation of his cock ... yeah, this is what she wanted all along, finally, his warm, throbbing, hard ... oh!! Something cold and hard was penetrating her, and it felt a bit bigger than the average cock she was used to. Edan stroked her clit, and she raised her hips back up, curiously wondering what was going on. Was he using a dildo? It was possible. It felt a bit like the dildo she used in her own bed, although much firmer and much, much bigger. The more of the cold hard phallus went in, the more sure she was, it had to be the candle hed blown out. It was a bit ridgy feeling right where it went in, wider after it went in a little bit, and then got narrower. Not like any vibrator she'd ever used at in her bed, but just like the candles she used on her little shrine to Robert Smith at home. Claudia relaxed into Edan's rhythm ... he was slowly pumping the candle in and out of her hot pussy, her pink lips turning to red and swelling, glistening ... Edan kissed her breasts, her neck, her belly, he flicked her clit some more with his tongue. "Oh, damn, this is great ... being fucked and at the same time being kissed all over, yeah, I could get to like this," Claudia thought. Edan increased the pumping rhythm, and Claudia's hips rose with every thrust. At least six inches of hard candle was going in and out of her, getting slick with her pussy juices. Claudia writhed as Edan's long fingers touched her clit, her pussy lips, gathered her juices and she gasped as he touched her tiny anus. His wet fingers circled round and round the small bud as his other hand kept fucking her with the candle, deeper and deeper. Claudia moaned softly, then bit her lip as the candle paused for a moment ... she was afraid to be gagged again, and finally just gave herself to all these new sensations. Edan pushed a pillow under her ass, raising it up even higher. Claudia's thighs quivered with the strain, her ankles chafed slightly by the leather cuffs. Her breasts felt positively ripe, squeezed upwards so tightly by the leather corset. Her arms were just starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but not much so. She relaxed her hips into the pillow as Edan continued his ministrations. Suddenly the candle withdrew. Claudia felt a burst of disappointment ... it didn't last long, as she now felt what was unmistakably Edan's hot cock at her pussy entrance. She knew from the feel that Edan had put on a condom, and it had warmed to his cock. She moaned long and deep, as he slid his cock into her wet tunnel, so slowly. He withdrew and teased her clit with the head of his cock, and then she felt his fingers on her again. Pinching and kneading her clit with one hand, and taking her pussy juices to her ass with his other hand, at the same time moving his cock ever so slowly in and out of her pussy, Edan skillfully manipulated Claudia until she was gasping for breath and writhing like mad. With all the wetness he had managed to slip his finger into her anus up to the first knuckle before she even tightened and gasped, but with the continued flicking of her clit, she relaxed and started bucking her hips down onto his finger. She moaned and sighed, she even made soft yet guttural grunting noises as she rocked her hips so that she was fucking his finger in her ass, as he held it motionless. Edan applied his tongue to her swollen clit, continuing to fuck her ass with his wet finger, her juices slipping down her crack to help him. As Claudia began to come, she cried out as Edan withdrew his finger from her ass, and quickly replaced it with what felt just like the candle, or dildo, that had been inside her pussy. She tried to move back, but Edan sucked her clit between his lips, if she moved back she lost contact with him ... "Oh god, I want to come so bad!" she thought ... she thrust her hips back forward, braving the unrelenting hardness of the candle pressing against her asshole, feeling the electrical shock of the intensity, her every nerve seemed to be on fire, her whole body responding to just that one pressure. -=Part Four=- Edan skillfully kept Claudia right on the edge of her orgasm, feeling her clit throb under his lips, as he pressed the candle into her ass unmercifully. All the juices flowing out of her pussy and down her crack facilitated the candle's progress. Claudia herself spontaneously began to "fuck" the end of the candle the way she had his fingers, so lost was she in her pleasure and near-orgasm. Ever so slowly, she felt the hard object move into her ass, it burned and she felt on fire, but she wanted it, she really wanted it. She wanted the orgasm, she wanted his cock, his tongue, the candle, whatever it took. Whenever she got closer to her orgasm, her ass would relax and the candle slid in a little bit, and Edan played her like a fine musical instrument, tuning her with his tongue until she was senseless from the pleasure, making her mindlessly impale her own ass on the cruel hardness of the candle. Claudia felt the candle "pop" past a painful point just inside her ass, and then it slid in almost a whole inch on the next thrust. As Edan tugged the candle gently outwards and the ridge caught just inside her ass, she gasped and began to come just from that shocking sensation. She had never felt anything like this before, even with all her experimentation in her bed and in the backseats of cars with young men she now couldnt even imagine having let touch her. Her orgasm rippled through her whole body, she bucked and wiggled, Edan kept his tongue gently flattened against her clit and he felt all the vibrations there. Claudia started crying, from pain, pleasure, or embarrassment, she didn't care. Edan started fucking her ass with the candle, still slowly, keeping his tongue flat on her clit, knowing she would orgasm again within seconds if he let her do the moving. Claudia obliged, thrusting her clit against his tongue, and arched her back again and almost screamed when she came again. Edan quickly gagged her with the stocking again, Claudia cried and shook her head from side to side, but was distracted by the hardness in her ass and the burning feeling there. Edan pressed his cock against her pussy, even through the condom she burned his cock like hot wax as he pressed into her slowly. He continued to fuck her ass with the candle, until all but a a few inches of the candle were buried inside her ass. She felt as if she were full enough to explode. Claudia moaned beneath the gag, pressing her hips upward and forward and trying to impale herself on his cock, the heat of it, the curve of it. She had never felt anything like this before, pussy and ass burning at the same time, as Edan slid himself into her she came again, she felt so full she thought she would die. Edan fucked her pussy with his cock, which was wider than the candle, and so hot. The candle simply rested part-way inside her, and his cock thrusting into her caused it to move slightly, which was more agonizing than the bold thrusts he had been giving her earlier. Edan pinched and kneaded her nipples cruelly now, the flashes of pain there only adding to her pleasure. Edan pumped his cock in and out of her pussy, all the way in, all the way out, relentlessly and methodically. Claudia writhed her hips trying to get him to go deeper, to fill her even more, but he kept on with is maddening pace. -=Part Five=- Edan withdrew from her pussy, shocking Claudia's entire body, the horrible emptiness there, and she began crying again. He withdrew the candle from her ass, slowly, and then he soothed her tender, red asshole with her juices, and he blew on her and she loved the coolness. Then he pressed his cock back against her pussy. She arched her back up in breathless anticipation, juices flowing more than ever, she held her breath. Edan slid in a fraction of an inch at a time, until the head of his cock was in, and she clenched her pussy muscles against the ridge of it, trying to draw it in. Edan withdrew from her pussy and slid the head of his cock to her asshole. Claudia gasped and shook her head violently from side to side. No way would his cock fit, it was much wider than the candle. Edan soothed her with his hands, stroking her breasts, thighs, her clit. He leaned forward and let the weight of his body begin to press his cock into her ass. It was like heaven to him ... burning hot, wet, yet tighter than any pussy. Claudia was in a mindless state where pleasure and pain had mixed, as Edan put his thumb on her clit and began rubbing it in slow circles, and she felt another orgasm building. Claudia began rocking her hips again instinctively with the rhythm of his finger, and she felt the head of his cock pop past that ring of ass muscle and she felt a moment of searing pain. But she also felt a craving she had never felt before, she wanted her ass to feel full, fuller than it had with the candle, and she knew she wanted his cock in her ass. She rocked forward as Edan leaned forward, and slowly she impaled herself on his cock. Not until his cock was almost entirely buried in her ass did Edan allow himself to begin moving his hips. Claudia gasped as he fucked her ass ... he was not gentle anymore. He spread her thighs wide, grabbed her ass cheeks with his hands, lifted her hips up and pumped his cock even deeper into her. As he slammed his cock into her sore ass with each thrust, her clit throbbed from the jolting shock of his pubic bone ramming up against her clit. She began grunting gutturally, she became like an animal, she writhed and moaned. If only she could come again! It was maddening! Edan curled one arm under her waist and continued pumping his cock into her ass, harder and faster. With the other hand, he slipped his thumb against her clit and let the friction of their bodies push his thumb against her clit. Claudia felt his cock get hotter, and a little bigger. She knew he was going to come. She was so far past pain, and into pleasure, she began clenching her ass muscles, milking his cock and Edan finally broke his silence and moaned aloud. Her clit was getting just enough contact, she knew if she slammed against his thumb she could come again, even if it did cause his cock to tear into her ass even deeper. Claudia and Edan became like one hungry animal, clawing their way towards their own orgasms. Claudia's began first, and she screamed against the gag ... Edan felt her ass muscles ripple and he began to come, muffling his moans by clamping his teeth onto her nipple. He rammed insensitively into her ass a few more times, and then collapsed on top of her. Edan withdrew after a few moments, leaving Claudia crying, crying from pain, and crying from wanting more of it. He quickly got up and Claudia lay there, panting and sweating and shivering, wondering where he had gone. The draft felt positively icing, so burning was the skin all over her body. She ached all over, from the restraints, from the fucking ... from the sheer emptiness of wanting him inside her again. Edan returned after a time and she heard sloshing water, then felt a soft washcloth cleaning her gently. The cool water felt fantastic against her bruised asshole and her aching pussy. Edan bathed her thighs, her pussy, her ass, until she was sighing and totally relaxed. He left her again, taking away the water. Edan returned and removed the gag from her mouth, replacing it with a long, sensual kiss. Then he loosened her corset laces, pulled the pillow out from under her hips, and took each ankle out of its tether. Claudia curled into a fetal position, feeling the tension in her legs leaving, as Edan untied her wrists and unblindfolded her. She rubbed her wrists, her thighs, her ankles, and watched him warily as he gathered her clothing for her, put away the tethers, and tied the sash around his robe. She noticed he had finally taken his purple shades off, and that his eyes were hazel, with long black lashes. Her body continued to shudder from all the maddeningly sensual shocks she had received, her juices flowed onto her thighs. She smiled tentatively. "Did you learn anything, little one?" said Edan. "Yes ... teacher, " Claudia said haltingly. She wasn't used to a guy being in control, but she thought that she just might like it ... for a little while ... -=The End ...?=- ©1998-2002 melicia saphyne, previously published under the name "mina" please do not reprint or excerpt without the author's permission. |

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